4 Common Companion Planting Mistakes to Avoid

Tolu Adebola

Tolu Adebola

Companion planting is a highly popular technique that farmers and gardeners use to enhance the growing conditions and yields of their crops. 

It involves the strategic planting of different plant species near each other, where they can mutually benefit from their unique characteristics.

companion plants

However, despite its widespread use and success, some farmers still struggle to get the desired results they want from companion planting. This is often due to common mistakes that can be easily avoided. In this article, we will explore the four common companion planting mistakes and how farmers can avoid them. 


But first, let’s take a look at why companion planting is a good farming practice to adopt. This will help you to understand why it is essential to incorporate it into your farming practices.

Why Companion Planting is an Essential Farming Practice to Utilize

Incorporating companion planting in your farm practices can provide various benefits if done correctly. Some of these benefits include:

Serves as a natural pest control

When companion planting is done correctly, it can help keep pests at bay. Certain plants naturally emit chemicals that repel pests, while others attract beneficial insects that prey on harmful ones. 


For example, planting basil with crops like okra, peppers, and tomatoes can help ward off pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Additionally, planting garlic with crops like beans, onions, and peas can deter pests such as Japanese beetles and cabbage loopers.

Improves the quality of the soil

Companion planting can also help improve soil quality by creating a more balanced environment for plants, as different plants have varying nutrient requirements. For instance, planting beans and peas, which are nitrogen-fixing plants, alongside crops like corn, yams, or cassava can enrich the soil with nitrogen, which is crucial for the growth of other plants. This method reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment and costly for farmers.

Increases crop yield

When plants are grown together, they can create a microclimate that promotes higher yields by regulating temperature and moisture retention, which will subsequently lead to an increased yield. 


Also, some plants can support the growth of others by providing shade, support, or attracting pollinators. For instance, planting okra with tomatoes can increase tomato yield by providing shade and conserving moisture, while the okra benefits from the tomato plant’s support. Similarly, planting cowpeas or groundnuts with yams can increase yam yield by enriching the soil with nitrogen and providing ground cover to reduce weed growth.

4 Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Practicing Companion Planting on Your Farm

Now let’s get to know some of the things you should avoid doing if you want to have a great experience with companion planting.

#1 Disregarding the compatibility of plants

It’s important to note that each plant has unique needs and characteristics that must be taken into account when deciding which plants to grow together. 


Some plants may produce chemicals that inhibit the growth of others, while others may attract pests that can harm nearby plants.


For instance, planting tomatoes and walnuts together is not advisable as walnuts release a chemical called juglone that can be toxic to tomatoes. On the other hand, planting garlic and peppers together can be beneficial as garlic can deter pests that commonly attack peppers.


To avoid this mistake, do proper research on plant compatibility before planting. Make use of resources such as companion planting charts or gardening books to determine which plants can thrive together and which ones are best kept apart.

#2 Overcrowding plants

This mistake is understandable, as many farmers want to maximize their yield and get the most out of their garden space.  But it is essential to give each plant enough space to grow and develop properly. 


Crops such as tomatoes, okra, and peppers are examples of plants that need enough space to grow well. When planted too close together, they can suffer from stunted growth and poor yields.


It’s crucial to follow the recommended spacing guidelines for each crop. For instance, tomato plants require about 2 to 3 feet of space between each plant, while okra plants need around 18 to 24 inches of space. 


When you provide adequate spacing, each plant can access the necessary nutrients, water, and sunlight to grow and produce healthy crops.


Overcrowding can also lead to increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, as the plants are more likely to be stressed and weakened. Therefore, it’s essential to avoid overcrowding to maintain healthy plants and maximize yields.

#3 Not taking the height of plants into account

When companion planting, it’s important to consider the height of each plant, as taller plants can easily shade out shorter ones, depriving them of necessary sunlight. 


For example, planting tall okra plants near low-growing leafy greens like amaranth can result in the greens being overshadowed and struggling to grow properly.


To avoid this, consider the mature height of each plant and plan accordingly. If you’re growing a mix of tall and short plants, make sure to provide support structures for the taller ones so they don’t shade out the shorter ones. 


This could involve using trellises or stakes for vining plants like tomatoes and pole beans or using cages or hoops for taller plants like peppers and eggplants. Proper planning and spacing can help ensure that each plant in your garden receives the necessary amount of sunlight and grows to its full potential.

#4 Planting an excessive number of the same plants

Overplanting a single crop in one area can lead to the depletion of soil nutrients and the buildup of pests and diseases specific to that plant. This can make it challenging to grow that particular crop in the same area in the future. 


To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to diversify your garden by planting a variety of crops. This will help to reduce the risk of pest and disease buildup and will provide you with a wider range of fresh produce to enjoy. 


Additionally, rotating crops from year to year can help to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil-borne diseases from becoming established.


For instance, instead of planting only tomatoes, you can plant tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers in the same garden bed. This will help to diversify your garden and reduce the risk of pest and disease buildup.


While companion planting can have numerous benefits for your garden, it is important to remember that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In order to ensure that your plants thrive and avoid any negative effects, careful planning and consideration are necessary. 


It is important to thoroughly research and understand the specific needs and characteristics of each plant in order to determine the best companions for them. Doing so will create a healthy and productive farm that flourishes year after year.


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