Our Services
Our services are designed to provide a multi-pronged solution to the three main difficulties in Africa's unstructured agricultural sector: access to farm support services, efficient production systems, and access to profitable market.
Farm Support Services
Farmwella farmers enjoy access to unparalleled farm support services. This include access to finance, training systems, farming infrastructure, and farm monitoring technologies.
Efficient Production Systems
We have developed climate smart production system that help smallholder farmers achieve higher level of efficiency and productivity while minimizing negative environmental impacts.
Profitable Market Access
Farmers within our network have access to our guaranteed minimum price system. This reduces risk and provides the certainty needed to increase productivity and profitability.
What We Offer

A proprietary farm monitoring technology that guide farmers throughout production cycle and provide sponsors necessary updates.

Continuous education, training, and support on the most productive, profitable, and resilient farming systems to date.

Our sponsors benefits get reliable and sustainable returns from our low risk agricultural real estate investment.

Effective soil building to maintain certain levels of soil fertility sufficient for economic crop production in the long-term, whilst also protecting the environment.

Farm infrastructure and climate smart production system that ensure consistent and high-quality production throughout the year.

Access to finance and connection to a farming community allowing farmers to focus on maximizing the yield, quality, and productivity.

Access to reliable and profitable market that help mitigate economic risks that currently limits profitability.

Judicious use of renewable soils, water bodies and ecosystem service and creating sustainability.
Using Farmwella methods, yields increased to 400% of the local average, with some growers achieving 700% of the local yield.