Who We Are

About Us
We are an innovative sustainable development company aimed to empower and support the next generation of farmers in Africa. We create impacts by making sustainable farming attractive and profitable for the next generation of African farmers. The Two-Acre Farms is one of the initiatives that help us fulfill this mission.
Our Mission
Make sustainable farming attractive and profitable for the next generation of African farmers by creating access to farm support services, efficient production systems, and access to profitable market.

Our Vision
We believe in an Africa that sustainably feeds itself and the world – where economically sustainable food production and farming systems provide dependable income and economic resiliency for communities to thrive.
Farmwella is powered by people who believe that problems in African agriculture can be solved in ways that create economic opportunities for all stakeholders.

Cornelius Adewale
Cornelius earned a PhD degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at Washington State University.

Cedric Habiyaremye
Cedric is globally known as a Rwandan Crop Scientist and Agricultural Entrepreneur developing solutions for a Zero Hunger World.

Lynne Carpenter-Boggs
Research Advisor
She was a Graduate Fellow of the National Science Foundation, holds a Ph.D. in Soil Science, and is tenured at Full Professor rank at Washington State University.

Andy Horgan
Data Scientist
Andy is a plant scientist with a focus on economic development through agricultural innovation. He received his M.S. from Washington State University studying plant breeding and genetics.

Ayomide Tijani
Content Creator
Ayomide is an impact driven agripreneur. Her role in the company includes content development for the company’s app, blog, and social media pages, supervision of farm workers, and supervision of Farmwella farmers.

Rebecca Alasa
Rebecca’s role include farms set up, establishment and management, development of the company’s working documents, supervising farm workers and interns, strategic planning, amongst others.