First Name
Last Name
Marital status
Street Address
Phone Number
Best time to call
Email Address
Date Of Birth
Do you exercise regularly
If yes, What do you do?
Do you have a functional vehicle
Do you have a valid driver's license
In what state?
Do you have any recent violation, accidents or restrictions on your drivers license? If yes, please explain
Do you have experience driving delivery trucks and/ or other machinery? Please describe.
Do you have any health challenges? If yes, please describe it
Please describe your experience with physical work and/or physical activity, including any physical limitations or injuries that might affect your ability to perform certain tasks. Many tasks require light to heavy lifting/carrying of materials, digging, standing, bending and walking. However, no application would be rejected because of a health condition that could still be accommodated and that would not prevent the performance of tasks.
Have you ever had a job which required getting up early and exercising, physically and mentally, right at the start of work? If yes, describe. Did you enjoy this position?
Any other important details about yourself? (i.e. special needs, religious practices, etc)
What is your gardening, farming, livestock, and/or other outdoor experience or training, if any? Explain in detail: duties performed, skills learned, where you worked, etc.
How does this program fit into your short and long-term goals? How do you envision using what you gain in this program in the future? Please be as specific as you can. We would appreciate understanding what commitment or plans you have in agriculture.
What kind of farm would you like to train on and why?
What additional interest areas do you have related to agriculture
Please indicate which geographical locations interest you most. Please check all that you are potentially interested in as only host sites in the locations you select will view your application
Farmwella-Ibadan (Limited spaces)
Farmwella-Ilesha (More opportunities)
Farmwella-Ibadan and Farmwella-Ilesha
Describe a program or project that you completed that required a long-term commitment and perseverance over many months. What did you do? How long were you engaged in the program/project?
What level of education have you completed? List institution(s), any degree(s) and year(s) completed. NOTE: No degree is required to apply for the Farmwella Begginning Farmer training program.
What does equity and/or justice in the food system mean to you?
Are you accurate with basic arithmetic? (Farmwella may want to know this if we have participants that would help with sales, keeping track of harvest amounts, etc.)
Do you have affiliate marketing experience?
What other relevant skills do you have? (carpentry, cooking, multi-lingual, working with equipment or power tools, etc.)
Please describe any social or community activities that you are or have been involved in:
What rural living experience do you have, if any? What are some of the challenges and rewards of living rurally?
Please include employment and internship experiences
Start with Position 1 as your most recent and continue in reverse chronological order.
Position 1
Organization/Company Name
Your Title
Describe duties (be specific)
Start & End Dates
Number of hours per week
Reason for leaving
Position 2
Organization/Company Name
Your Title
Describe duties (be specific)
Start & End Dates
Number of hours per week
Reason for leaving
Position 3
Organization/Company Name
Your Title
Describe duties (be specific)
Start & End Dates
Number of hours per week
Reason for leaving
Are you able to do an in-person visit/ interview with any of Farmwella representatives on the farm nearest to you?
Are you available for a video chat for an interview with Farmwella representatives?
Do you have any conflicts with the start and end dates for the program you are applying for? Are there any specific dates when you are available or unavailable?
Is there anything else you think we should know? (e.g. you could explain what you are not willing to let go to fully participate in the program)
Please list three farming and/or other professional references. Include name, current phone, current email address, relationship (how does this person know you), and length of relationship. At least 1 of your 3 references should be farming-specific. References must not be from your family members. Please make sure your references know they may be contacted by Farmwella representatives in our program. Also note that farmwella would not consider applicants whose references do not return calls/emails.
Please use this space if you ran out of space with any of the questions above.